The Unseen Side of Bail Proceedings In the bail equation, sureties pledge a certain amount, say INR 50,000, to the court, guaranteeing the accused’s court appearance. If the accused fails to appear, the surety amount is forfeited. This creates a financial incentive for the accused to comply with court proceedings. In 2020, around 70% of bail applications involved sureties, highlighting their crucial role in the Bails Special Leave Petition. The Art of Negotiating Bail Conditions Bail from Supreme Court conditions are not set in stone. They can be negotiated by a skilled lawyer to be more favorable to the accused. For instance, the frequency of mandatory police station visits could be reduced from once a week to once a month. This can significantly reduce the disruption caused by bail conditions to the accused’s daily life. In 2019, bail conditions were successfully negotiated in approximately 60% of cases. This underscores the importance of having the best profe...